In light of the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, we have decided to close our administrative offices starting Monday, March 16, 2023 until further notice. Cory and Soda Hall are closed. Classes are being held remotely. All events in Cory and Soda Halls will either be cancelled or held remotely, and staff will be working remotely during this time.

Welcome to the Computer Science Division at UC Berkeley, one of the strongest programs in the country. We are renowned for our innovations in teaching and research. Berkeley teaches the researchers that become award winning faculty members at other universities. This website tells the story of our unique research culture and impact, and our commitment to excellence in teaching.

- Spring 2023 CS Class Schedule
- Fall 2023 CS Class Schedule
- Draft CS Classes
- Getting into CS Classes
- CS Self-Paced Center

Our research areas include computer architecture, theory, security, programming languages, numerical methods, AI, human-computer interaction, and computational biology, among others.
- CS Areas
- Centers and Labs

- CS Faculty Guide
- Visiting CS Faculty
- CS Faculty Emeriti
- CS Distinguished Alumni
- CS Grad Students (login required)
Dissertation Talk: Sharing without Showing: Building Secure Collaborative Systems
Zoom -
RISE Seminar: Lessons from Large-Scale Cloud Software at Databricks
Soda Hall- Matei Zaharia, Stanford University
Recent News
David Wagner testifies about remote voting security before Congress
EECS 150W: Sheila Humphreys and WiCSE

The day-long BEARS symposium on Thursday, February 13, 2023, will highlight the latest research in the EECS department and will feature a slate of informative talks by the distinguished faculty members who serve as directors of some of our world-renowned centers and labs.